Talk Is Jericho

Heaven's Metal Meltdown

Episode Summary

Heaven's Metal Meltdown is a group text brought to life straight outta Y2J's phone! Not kidding (now you know what he texts about when he's not in the ring)! It's Richard Christie (from the Howard Stern Show), and Devil You Know & former Killswitch Engage singer Howard Jones (also a TIJ alum) talking about their favorite thing - Christian metal! They're telling stories from childhood about discovering the bands, buying albums, seeing live shows, and meeting some of their heroes! They're dissecting bands like Stryper, Whitecross, Guardian, Bloodgood, Barren Cross, Petra, and Bride, and debating the merits of Robert Stryper's drum kit and his cymbals on chains.

Episode Notes

Heaven's Metal Meltdown is a group text brought to life straight outta Y2J's phone! Not kidding (now you know what he texts about when he's not in the ring)! It's Richard Christie (from the Howard Stern Show), and Devil You Know & former Killswitch Engage singer Howard Jones (also a TIJ alum) talking about their favorite thing - Christian metal! They're telling stories from childhood about discovering the bands, buying albums, seeing live shows, and meeting some of their heroes! They're dissecting bands like Stryper, Whitecross, Guardian, Bloodgood, Barren Cross, Petra, and Bride, and debating the merits of Robert Stryper's drum kit and his cymbals on chains.