Talk Is Jericho

Sheamus And Cesaro

Episode Summary

An Irishman, a Swiss, and a Canadian walk into a hotel room in Japan and... this is what happens! Y2J sat down with WWE Tag Team World Champs Sheamus & Cesaro, and they talked about everything from the Best Of 7 program that got Sheamus and Cesaro first working together to their tag team chemistry to the tear-away suits and the kilts at Wrestlemania! They also share stories about their respective homelands, weird food encounters on the road, yodeling, and hanging out with Bono.

Episode Notes

An Irishman, a Swiss, and a Canadian walk into a hotel room in Japan and... this is what happens! Y2J sat down with WWE Tag Team World Champs Sheamus & Cesaro, and they talked about everything from the Best Of 7 program that got Sheamus and Cesaro first working together to their tag team chemistry to the tear-away suits and the kilts at Wrestlemania! They also share stories about their respective homelands, weird food encounters on the road, yodeling, and hanging out with Bono.