Talk Is Jericho

TIJ - EP47 - Def Leppard's Phil Collen & WWE Firings

Episode Summary

Who's no longer with the WWE? Chris has the list! And, a killer interview with Def Leppard guitarist Phil Collen! KISS & the Lep out together this Summer! They're talking monster tour, melting makeup, and The Walking Dead (Phil's fav show)! Plus, Phil updates his own hand injury, and the current health status of his bandmate & fellow guitarist Vivian Campbell.

Episode Notes

Who's no longer with the WWE? Chris has the list! And, a killer interview with Def Leppard guitarist Phil Collen! KISS & the Lep out together this Summer! They're talking monster tour, melting makeup, and The Walking Dead (Phil's fav show)! Plus, Phil updates his own hand injury, and the current health status of his bandmate & fellow guitarist Vivian Campbell.