Talk Is Jericho

TIJ - EP48 - Snooki from MTV's The Jersey Shore

Episode Summary

Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi has spent some time in the WWE squared-circle! Hear about her Wrestlemania 27 and Monday Night Raw appearances. Plus, find out what life was like behind-the-scenes of MTV's "Jersey Shore," which food item fans still bring her to this day (and why), and what she's hoping to do in the not-so-distant future.

Episode Notes

Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi has spent some time in the WWE squared-circle! Hear about her Wrestlemania 27 and Monday Night Raw appearances. Plus, find out what life was like behind-the-scenes of MTV's "Jersey Shore," which food item fans still bring her to this day (and why), and what she's hoping to do in the not-so-distant future.