Former WWE Divas Champ Eve Torres Gracie is beautiful... and deadly! Deadly nice, deadly classy, and deadly when it comes to the squared-circle and Brazilian jiu-jitsu! She is a Gracie after all! And she's got plenty of stories - about winning Diva search, the WWE locker room, Vince McMahon, Fit Finlay, Nattie Neidhart, and why she LOVED being a heel! Plus, hear about her latest TV and film roles... and her days as an LA Clippers cheerleader!
Former WWE Divas Champ Eve Torres Gracie is beautiful... and deadly! Deadly nice, deadly classy, and deadly when it comes to the squared-circle and Brazilian jiu-jitsu! She is a Gracie after all! And she's got plenty of stories - about winning Diva search, the WWE locker room, Vince McMahon, Fit Finlay, Nattie Neidhart, and why she LOVED being a heel! Plus, hear about her latest TV and film roles... and her days as an LA Clippers cheerleader!