Team Tiger Awesome return to TIJ for "Who's Hot and Who's Not" and let's see if you can match the hashtag with their "hot" choices: #VerySymmetrical. #SweetArms. #SmellsLikeGarbage. #DenzelGretzky. Don't worry... the conversation digresses per usual and it won't take long for the rest of this to make complete sense: #WhatIsAChode (it's a regional thing in case you were wondering); #CocaineBang; #DrJohnsonsOpus; and #SuperDelegate.
Team Tiger Awesome return to TIJ for "Who's Hot and Who's Not" and let's see if you can match the hashtag with their "hot" choices: #VerySymmetrical. #SweetArms. #SmellsLikeGarbage. #DenzelGretzky. Don't worry... the conversation digresses per usual and it won't take long for the rest of this to make complete sense: #WhatIsAChode (it's a regional thing in case you were wondering); #CocaineBang; #DrJohnsonsOpus; and #SuperDelegate.